Change Summary for Mediaflux Explorer
Version 1.6.1 (released)
- Enhancements
Standardized the confirmation popup message to exit the application where the UI would rely on the OS where the application is being run on.
Added the application icon for the confirmation popup for Windows.
Dragging an asset from the results view to a collection asset node on the tree will now disallow dropping if the target is the same as the asset's existing parent.
The 'Type' field on the "Create Sub-Collection Asset" form can now filter based on user input.
Support for level zero root collections and their members has been added.
Default protocol for login is now HTTPS instead of HTTP.
Added a new application property, collections.create, which disables the action of creating asset collections under namespaces and collections if the property is set to false. By default the property will be true if not set. :property -name collections.create -app aexplorer < :type -type boolean :value true >
- Defect Fixes
Renaming a collection in the root namespace now correctly validates that the target name will not conflict with another asset in the same namespace.
Fixed a problem where the enumeration form item would cast the value of the field to String, breaking any field with a type that's not String.
Fixed an issue where "Type" field for creating assets are not searchable by prefix.
Fixed an issue where the tooltip installed for Enumeration field type is constructed via HTML - it has now been removed.
Added checks for the buttons in "DOI" window so that it will disable when the values are invalid.
Added a check to disable the 'Add' button for Enumeration field multi select if the value is not valid.
Fixed an issue where the text for "Move Assets" may overflow out of the window.
The collection details pane is now updated when member events are received so that quota details are displayed when events.
Fixed an issue where the main window would not be repainted after logging in under some flavours of Linux.
Fixed an issue where dropping files into the pane did not trigger a form validation check for create/upload assets action.
Fixed an issue where an exception is thrown when the user which created a namespace does not exist when a user selects the namespace.
Version 1.6.0
- Enhancements
- When importing files to a collection asset any configured member templates will now be taken into account when displaying (and determining whether to display) the metadata entry form.
- Added support for downloading audit logs for each Data Mover shareable displayed.
- Added support for supplemental files on download shareables. When viewing a download shareable, the list of supplemental files associated with it will be displayed.
- On a download shareable, DOIs can be viewed, added, or removed.
- Detailed shareable view is now monitored constantly - a change in supplemental files or audit logs will trigger a refresh on the detailed shareable view.
- Added support to be able to add licences when creating a new shareable.
- Added the ability to view licences attached to the shareable when viewing a shareable.
- Defect Fixes
- Backslashes in queries issued to the server are now escaped. This could affect assets or namespaces with backslashes in their names and search values entered by a user.
- Upgraded to JavaFX 19 to fix an issue that would cause the application to crash unexpectedly when using the ESC key to close a dialog in Linux.
- Fixed an issue that would cause an error when importing files into a collection asset under a namespace configured with a metadata template.
- Fixed an issue that could cause an error if searching for a namespace containing a single quote character.
- The cancel confirmation button will now always be displayed if a dialog's state has changed.
- Fields on a shareable dialog that have been edited but are empty when submitting will no longer cause an exception when creating the shareable.
Changed the mandatory/optional status of the fields on several dialog forms to match actual requirements.
The asset rename dialog will now display a cancel confirmation dialog if the name has been changed. This now matches the behaviour of other cancellation confirmation dialogs.
The namespace, collection and asset dialog for creating upload and download shares now display the invitation as optional but the email address on the invitation as mandatory to properly reflect the intention of the form fields.
The create share link dialog's "Archive Format" is now mandatory, preventing users from deleting the value unexpectedly. The "Generate Password", "Link" and "Generated Password" fields now all display as optional as well.
When creating or importing files into a collection asset or namespace the cancel confirmation dialog is now displayed when cancelling if any of the non-metadata fields are modified.
The 'Type' field in the dialogs for creating collection assets and uploading are now constrained to a fixed width so that the combo box does not change size dynamically.
Restored the ability to download multiple assets from the result set pane and improved the context menu and dialog title to display the number of assets if more than one is selected.
Assets with degraded content are no longer handled as having content in an unknown state. This resolves an issue where degraded content was not considered available to download.
The dialog title displayed to confirm enabling a share indicates confirmation of enabling instead of disabling the share.
The "Collection Asset" field is now displayed when viewing the details of a share and the shareable is configured from a collection asset.
The message displayed when trying to drop an asset into the namespace in which it already resides has been corrected to display a meaninful message and the other drag/drop messages displayed when hovering over namespaces have been normalized to use the term "collection" instead of "namespace" for consistency.
The "port" field on the login form now only accepts numeric values.
Dropping a collection asset dragged from the results pane onto its own representation in the tree is now disallowed.
Version 1.5.6 (released)
- Defect Fixes
- When renaming assets in the asset results pane and another asset already exists at the specified path the field and info message will now display indicate that another asset with that name already exists and the rename will not be permitted to proceed.
- Download shares can now only be created when the selected collection contains assets. Previously attempting to create a download share on a collection without assets would result in an error.
- Paging controls are now disabled if there are no results and the page number box will only load the page when the enter key is pressed or the focus of on the field is lost. This corrects an issue where it was difficult to select pages that had more than one digit.
- The application icon is now displayed on the main window, about window and manage shares window in the Windows operating system, and also in the application bar in Linux.
- Fixed an issue where downloading the result set as an archive could fail when the stream was prematurely closed.
- Fixed an issue where the path displayed for the source when dragging a collection asset in the tree to another collection asset was incorrect.
- The create share link form will now be disabled once a link has been generated to make it clear that no fields can be changed afterward. The value in the password field is now also read-only.
- When destroying collection assets displayed in the tree the version number incorrectly displayed as "[0]". The title of the dialog now shows the path of the path of the asset and the version number is no longer displayed in the body of the dialog.
- Fixed an issue where the "Loading..." indicator would be displayed and never be removed if re-selecting the currently selected tree node and the search panel was displayed.
- The 'Transfer' field in the transfer list is now populated with the path of the collection when downloading a collection asset from the tree.
- Fixed an issue where the transfer direction icon would only be displayed for the oldest transfer in the same direction. Now the icon will be displayed on every row.
- Improved context menu items on namespaces, collection assets and other assets as well as the titles for their associated dialogs to be more informative.
- Non-numeric values can no longer be entered into the "Max Size" field when creating an upload share.
- Fixed issue that would cause an "asset not found" exception when destroying collection asset hierarchies.
- When creating a share link it is now no longer possible to enter invalid values into the "Expire After" field or the "Uses" field.
- Date-time pickers with a time component will now consider the date/time invalid and display an error border on both the date and time when the date/time is invalid, including when only the time is changed.
- The create/upload assets dialog is now sized correctly if metadata templates are present on a namespace or collection.
Version 1.5.5
- Enhancements
- Improved the title of the create upload share and create download share dialogs to make their intent clearer.
Improved the performance of calculating the content size and asset count in the UI prior to initiating the download of a namespace or collection asset hierarchy.
- Defect Fixes
Fixed an issue where a Search Template that specified the "asset/name" element and the "contains" operator no longer worked after the "matches" operator was introduced. Both now work as expected.
- Fixed an issue where dropping a file onto a namespace could be allowed when it should have been denied.
- Fixed issue where modifying an asset's metadata would cause incorrect menus to be displayed when right clicking the asset after modification.
- The full path is now displayed in the title bar when the Create/Upload dialog is displayed for a collection asset.
- Fixed an issue that would cause an error when creating a download share for individual assets.
Fixed an issue where an additional extension would be added the the link filename when generating a shareable link. Now the original asset name will be used if any extension is present. If the asset name has no extension or no name is present the extension registered for the content mime type will be used.
Fixed an issue with the calculation of the asset count in the dialog displayed prior to initiating the download of a collection asset hierarchy. Previously it could have reported an inaccurate asset count.
Fixed an issue with the construction of the query used for determining the set of assets to download when downloading a collection asset hierarchy, namespace or set of assets. This could have resulted in an incorrect set of assets and longer execution than required.
Fixed an issue that would include soft destroyed assets in the results when downloading the result set as an archive. This could also cause errors resulting in an incomplete archive if any soft destroyed asset caused a naming conflict in an archive directory.
Version 1.5.4
- Enhancements
- Wildcard queries of form 'name matches <value>' are now supported. This can be done either through configuring the top-left text search field with type 'wildcard', or through introducing a <search> with xpath 'asset/name' and operator 'matches'.
- The asset explorer now has five additional supported application properties, three for creating download links, and two for creating download shares:
- links:
- default expiry mode (never, after, at)
- default expiry duration
- whether or not to generate a password by default
- default expiry date
- shares
- whether or not passwords are mandatory
- whether or not a password should be pre-generated
- links:
- Defect fixes
Fixed an issue where for a namespace drag-and-drop move to another namespace, the source namespace's 'modify' permissions were being checked instead of the parent namespace's.
- Fixed minor visual bug where selecting the 'Result set actions' button caused the GUI to move about.
- Fixed error that occurs during the creation of download shares caused by an incompatibility introduced in server version 4.12.036.
When creating an upload shareable for a collection asset the value of the "Add Unique Collection" button was not respected. If checked a parent collection will be created when an upload is started.
When creating an upload shareable for a namespace and the "Add Unique Collection" button was checked a new namespace was created the first time the shareable was used, but that same namespace was subsequently incorrectly used when any subsequent upload using that shareable was started. A new namespace will be created each time a new upload is started for the shareable.
- Fixed a problem where deleting a namespace with children would throw an exception.
Fixed a problem where incorrect asset selection information would be passed when performing a sink transfer. Also removed a few redundant operations for improved performance.
If the user's home directory does not contain a "Downloads" directory a directory selection dialog will now be displayed instead of an error being shown.
Version 1.5.3
- Enhancements
- Changed form field focus glow to red for fields that have invalid values.
- Defect Fixes
Fixed issue where "Result set actions" button below the result set would resize on mouse hover.
'Sort namespaces' now appropriately enforced on newly added tree nodes.
Drag of tree node onto its immediate parent is now disallowed.
Removing last sub-collection from a collection now removes toggle next to the collection in the tree.
Destroying a namespace now correctly removes the selected namespace instead of its parent.
Renaming a collection in the tree now results in the tree updating to display the new name.
Version 1.5.2 (released)
- Enhancements
The search selected in the dropdown on the search pane will now remain selected when changing namespaces if the search remains available in the new namespace. If the search is no longer available the first registered search will be selected instead.
- Defect Fixes
- Fixed issue checking server version
Fixed an issue where an exception could be thrown when the tree is first displayed.
Fixed an issue that could cause the search form of the selected search in the search pane to fail to paint under some circumstances.
Fixed an issue that could cause an unexpected error to be displayed due to a malformed query being generated when multiple search forms have been filled in.
Fixed an issue that would cause asset creation to fail if the "type" dropdownwas activated and the blank entry was selected before clicking the "Create/Upload" button.
Version 1.5.1 (since v1.3.27)
- Enhancements:
- Mediaflux Explorer is now packaged by the vendor, Arcitecta, for macOS, Windows and Linux. The installation includes the Java run time (OpenJDK) so users do not need their own Java installation.
- The macOS package has been signed and notarised (i.e. the vendor, Arcitecta, are now trusted by Apple) so it is no longer necessary for a user to manually allow installation of the package through Security & Privacy preferences.
- Copy and Paste
- You can now copy values from the right hand side view pane to the clipboard. For example, if you have selected an asset in the middle pane, the right hand pane shows a view of the asset. Just hover over, e.g. the asset path or ID and you will see a pop-up 'click to copy to clipboard'. Click!
- Sharing of data:
- There is support for new upload and download shares utilised by the Data Mover Reference tool. Users can create upload and download shares through the right-click menu (Create Upload Share/Create Download Share) and manage shares that they have created through the Shares -> Manage Shares menu.
- The old Share (download) menu item used to create simple download links (e.g. downloading a zip file container) is now called Create Download Link.
- Namespaces:
- Behaviour when uploading or downloading to namespaces has been standardised. For example, if you upload the file /a/b.txt to the namespace /data that will create /data/b.txt instead of /data/a/b.txt (as it used to).
- There is graphical feedback now when trying to move namespaces (folders). For example, if you try to move a namespace to a destination where you do not have permission, the GUI will show a red background colour and a message describing the problem.
- Namespaces (folders) can now be sorted into ascending (labelled A-Z) or descending (labelled Z-A) order
- The navigator now scrolls when dragging nodes (namespaces/folders) to move them.
- The right hand view pane will show your namespace quota and usage now.
- Assets:
- Users can no longer create their own asset types when uploading - can only pick from pre-existing types.
- There is feedback now if you attempt to move an asset to a namespace (folder) with a pre-existing asset of the same name.
- There is visual (coloured) feedback now when you attempt to move a namespace. For example, if you attempt to move a namespace to a new parent that you don't have permission for, you will get a red highlight.
- Symbolic links are now supported (previously they were ignored by the Explorer). A symbolic link will be uploaded as a Mediaflux symbolic link asset. If the file system you download to supports symbolic links, the symbolic links will be recreated, otherwise they will be skipped.
- Explorer now computes the checksum of files as they are uploaded and compares that with the checksum that the Mediaflux server computes after the upload is complete to verify that the uploaded asset matches the source.
- Quotas and usage are now displayed in the right-hand panel.
- Defects fixed:
- A locale (date framework) issue was resolved when uploading if the client computer had a locale set
- Explorer now handles an inconsistency in Windows that in some cases prohibited drag and drop file uploads.
- Fixed an issue causing the filename extension on a gzipped archive to be incorrect when creating a direct sharable link. The filename is now correctly set to .tar.gz for archives of that nature.
- Required fields are now bold for all platforms (Mac OS, Windows, Linux)
- The asset rename field erroneously duplicated filename extensions under certain circumstances. This is now fixed.
- Other minor fixes
Version 1.3.27 (since 1.3.9)
- Very significant performance improvement
- Uploads commence immediately and can run in parallel (up to 4 per instance)
- You can optionally download meta-data as well now
- Assets can be renamed
- The default asset name is now filled in (the file name)
- Shareable links can be created with a password (that must be entered by the consumer)
- Issues related to date parsing locales (with Java 10) have been resolved (defects partly in Java 10)
- The Explorer works with OpenJDK Java 10 (to the best of our knowledge, but is not formally endorsed) although we prefer if possible that yours Oracle Java.
- The Explorer is
cluster aware
. This means in a clustered Mediaflux system (like the new Uni Melb system) IO transactions (upload/download) may be handed to the cluster IO nodes - Transfers to sinks will be faster for multiple files
- Various issues to do with naming of downloaded files (when the destination file already exists) have been resolved