When you request a secure identity token, you will receive a code that may or may not include an auth-key. An example of a secure identity token without an auth-keylike the one below:
An example of a secure identity token with an auth-key:
token: 3p8eNRvsTJ7NGwjKxF2lGd1Bk8MT89Er124749931
auth-key: 1LwMDqukc1e3kI8xgXOvoGEiahPTfjv8124749932
This is your token, and is used instead of your username and password.
Unimelb Command-Line Clients
domain: token
username: your secure token
password: your auth-key (if you have one)leave it blank, or use the token a second time
All secure identity tokens exist within a special domain, simply called token.