Data Services

Data Services

Who We Are

Research Data Solutions is team within Research Computing Services.

Available Services

We offer researchers and the research community a range of institutionally-supported data tools and storage solutions for moving, storingmanaging, collaborating around, and improving the security of research datasets.  If you are unsure of what you need, we have experts available to work with you to understand your requirements and how our services can be best used to meet your research needs.

Some questions we might ask you:

  • What quantity of storage do you require?
  • What data integrity guarantees do you require?
  • How will you work with collaborators?
  • What are your workflows for uploading data?
  • How do you prefer to access the data?

The answers to those and other questions will inform which service we recommend for you.  This wiki is primarily user documentation, so if you want to know how to use any of our tools, read on.


Mediaflux   is a general and extensible data management platform for managing digital assets.  It has strong metadata capabilities , scales to big data  and has the ability to share data with collaborators both within and outside the University of Melbourne.  The University's Mediaflux system supports the use of HTTPS clients (Java based  and  a web portal ) , SMB, and s FTP .      The University's Mediaflux system also has a specialized capability for handling data from research instrument platforms .


DaRIS (Distributed and Reflective Informatics System) is a framework for managing data and meta-data. Primarily, it is used to supply a secure repository for bio-medical imaging data and meta-data, although there is no actual technical restriction on data types.


Omeka is a free, open source content management system for online digital collections. It allows users to publish and exhibit cultural heritage objects, and extend its functionality with themes and plugins. A lightweight solution in comparison to traditional institutional repository software like DSpace and Fedora, Omeka has a focus on display and uses an unqualified Dublin Core metadata standard.


figshare is an online open access repository where researchers can preserve and share their research outputs, including figures, datasets, images, and videos. It is free to upload content and free to access, in adherence to the principle of open data.

Network File Shares

Network Appliance (/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/5476028) is an enterprise data storage company that offers hybrid cloud data services for management of applications and data across cloud and on-premises environments.  Data can be accessed through either the SMB/CIFS or NFS protocol.  Accessible from within the University or via VPN only.

Object Storage

/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/5476151 with functionality that is compatible with a large subset of the Amazon S3 RESTful API.

Change Existing Storage Quota or Access Permission

Only authorised users (i.e., RCAO or Activity Users with the "Manage resources" privilege) are eligible to request change, please refer to RCS's Terms of Services:

Request New Data Storage

Any eligible UoM researcher is able to apply for new storage, please refer to RCS's Terms of Services:

N.B. Access to the Research Computing Portal must be done whilst connected to the University VPN if you're off campus.

Request for Support

Please use the links below to report any issues regarding the service: