Finder (Go -> Connect to Server...)
Code Block language text smb://mediaflux.researchsoftware.unimelb.edu.au/proj-testproject-1128.3.12
Terminal - using the command-line mount command, the syntax is of the following form (including the domain, e.g. unimelb and user e.g. mfuser )
Code Block language bash mount -t smbfs //unimelb\;sclaus@mediaflux.researchsoftware.unimelb.edu.au/proj-testproject-1128.3.12 /Users/mfuser/smb_mount
where the last part is an empty directory you have created on you computer to receive the SMB mount point.
Terminal with a secure identity token. Macos uses the following syntax for connecting to SMB volumes on the CLI:
mount -t smbfs //[domain;]user[:password]@server[/share] path
Note that the semicolon character will be interpreted by the zsh shell, so we need to surround the path with quotes. When using a token, we want the password to be blank, so we specify the : with nothing following it. For example:
- domain: token
- replace <your token code here> with your actual secure identity token
- replace proj-testproject-1128.3.12 with your actual project
- /Users/mfuser/smb_mount with the location of your mount point (where the files on the server will appear). You may need to create this with the mkdir command.
Code Block language bash mount -t smbfs '//token;<your token code here>:@mediaflux.researchsoftware.unimelb.edu.au/proj-testproject-1128.3.12' /Users/mfuser/smb_mount