Unlike many S3 environments (which rely on Amazon Web Services {AWS} ), our system is powered by Ceph's RADOS Gateway (RGW).
We are therefore able to provide a great many features that are offered by Amazon, yet a handful of Amazon's RESTful S3 API calls are not supported. For a full list of supported S3 features, please refer to the following: https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/s3/.
Applying for new storage
Any UoM Researcher is eligible to request new S3-Compatible object storage, via the links below:
- Via a Graphical interface (eg. S3 Browser, RClone WebUI): simply locate + click on the 'new folder' button.
- Via a command-line client: Most Command-Line S3 clients operated via a series of put (upload) or get (download) commands. In order to create a new 'folder' when uploading a file, simply insert a forward-slash character ( / ) , followed by your new directory name , into your upload path.
For example (using S3cmd):
s3cmd -c mybucket.cfg put results1.txt s3://mybucket/allresults/results1.txt
(this uploads the results1.txt file into a new folder, called 'allresults').
Sharing Data
By default, S3 bucket data is private – that is, a bucket's access is restricted to the holder of its credentials (keypair). Therefore, it's essential that your bucket credentials be stored securely.
data is less secure than our other storage platforms. For example: the University VPN is NOT REQUIRED in order to access these buckets.
It is therefore essential that researchers:
(a) are 100% certain that this S3-Compatible Object storage is right for them - and
(b) it is paramount that any S3 bucket credentials are stored securely.
The s3 platform is also not designed for regular sharing of objects (ie. files), and we strongly recommend utilising an alternative platform if file sharing is desired. There are some very limited ways that S3 objects might be shared, but these are unsupported. For information on making your data available to others, please refer to the following article: Sharing Ceph-S3 data.