In most instances you can leave the password field blank. If the client you are using does not accept an empty password, you can enter the token a second time or use the word none or password (all lower-case).
The user account that you wish to use as the proxy account for the secure identity token
The client(s) you would like to use with the token (or 'all')
The protocol(s) you would like to use with the token (or 'all')
The mediaflux project id or project path (eg: proj-demonstration-1128.4.15 or /
proj-demonstration-1128.4.15/projects/) that you need the token to be able to access with the below role
The mediaflux project role you wish to grant to the secure identity token. Typically this would be:
For a read-only (download) token:
For a read-write (upload-download) token:
participant-acm for a token used by the unimelb-mf-clients
participant-acmd-n for SFTP and SMB
See Standard Project Roles for more information
Please use the links below to apply for a token:
UoM Staff: httphttps://go.unimelb.edu.au/or96tu78
UoM Students: httphttps://go.unimelb.edu.au/4exrExternal Users: http://go.unimelb.edu.au/75vr 6o78