SSHing to a Linux Researcher Desktop

SSHing to a Linux Researcher Desktop


How do I ssh to my Researcher Desktop (Linux)?


STEP 1: Find your desktop's URL

From the Researcher Desktop in RCP, click on the 'Open Linux Remote Desktop' button.

This will open a browser tab to your desktop where you normally use FastX to login. The URL looks like: vm-xxx-xx-xxx-xx.rc.cloud.unimelb.edu.au (the x's are digits which correspond to the IP address of the destination computer).

Take note of this URL.

STEP 2: SSH to your desktop

Researcher Desktops use your University of Melbourne credentials for authentication.

Use your preferred SSH client with the following details:


(Use the URL you obtained in step 1)


(Your University user name) 


(Your University password)

For example, ssh (username)@vm-xxx-xx-xxx-xx.rc.cloud.unimelb.edu.au.

You will be prompted for your password.

Can’t get to your Researcher Desktop?

RCP (the Research Computing Portal) is only accessible via the University network (wired/wireless). If you are not on campus you will have to use the University VPN to reach it.