Import data by HTTP URL

Import data by HTTP URL

Certain Mediaflux services, such as asset.create or asset.set can be used to directly import remote data files by http:// or https:// URL.  This allows importation of content from a remote server directly into Mediaflux without needing to download the data to your local workstation first.

Import remote HTTP content using Mediaflux web aterm

You can use asset.create service to import remote HTTP content using Mediaflux aterm.

Open Mediaflux Web aterm

Open Mediaflux Web aterm: https://mediaflux.researchsoftware.unimelb.edu.au/aterm/  in your browser and login with your credentails: domain, username, and password.

Create asset from remote HTTP content

Run the following service to create an asset from remote content by HTTP URL:

Create asset from remote http content
asset.create :namespace /projects/proj-demonstration-1128.4.15 :name 2_skull_ct.zip :url https://medimodel.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/2_skull_ct.zip

The command may take a while to complete as the remote content is fetched to the Mediaflux server. The id of the newly created asset will be returned. See the screenshot below:

You can cd into the namespace and run ls to list the assets:

And you can run asset.get service to get the details about the asset:

See the Mediaflux aterm page for more information on the capabilities of the web aterm.

Import remote HTTP content using aterm script

Aterm is also available as a Java application that you can run on your local machine.  It's also available as a module Spartan HPC.  Installing through either of these methods includes a script called aterm which can be used to execute the same service to import HTTP content.

If you are on Spartan HPC, you can load the unimelb-mf-clients module and run the aterm command below to import remote conntent from HTTP URL to your Mediaflux project.

Call asset.create service to import remote HTTP content on Spartan HPC
module load unimelb-mf-clients
aterm asset.create :namespace /projects/proj-YOUR_PROJECT-1128.4.xxx :name data.zip :url https://remote-server/path/to/data.zip