Software Downloads

Software Downloads

This is a list of Mediaflux clients and utilities that can be downloaded and run on your local machine.  In addition to these, there are other methods for accessing Mediaflux, see: List of all access methods.

For more information, see:

The downloadable clients/utilities are:

Mediaflux Explorer (Graphical drag-and-drop Java client)

Mediaflux Explorer is a Java application that you run on your desktop computer.  The focus of the Mediaflux Explorer is uploads, downloads, queries and sharing of data.  See the Mediaflux Explorer (HTTPS Protocol) page for more information.

We provide the Explorer bundled for three operating systems: Windows, macOS and Linux.

  • Summary of changes of new releases.
  • Explorer Known Issues page.

  • Windows: Mediaflux 1.5.2 for Windows
    • Execute this installer (double click) to install
  • macOS: Mediaflux Explorer 1.5.2 for macOS
    • Execute this file (double click) and it will present a Finder window with the Mediaflux Explorer visible as an icon. You can drag the "Mediaflux Explorer.app" into /Applications folder, if the previous version exists, choose "Replace" to upgrade it.
    • Drag the Mediaflux Explorer to your Applications folder to install

       If using remote X11 forwarding

      If you are running the Explorer on a remote host and displaying back to your desktop via X11, and that Desktop is running macOS, you have to add a configuration to the environment. Enter the following at the macOS Terminal command line and then restart the quartz X11 engine (just restart your computer if you don't know how):

      defaults write org.macosforge.xquartz.X11 enable_iglx -bool true
  • Linux:
    • Mediaflux Explorer 1.5.2 for Linux
    • The Linux version is packaged as a zip file. To install it, unpack the contents of the zip file and follow the instructions in the README.txt.  Note that the installation directory cannot be inside another directory that contains "bin" anywhere in its path (e.g. it's safe to install in /home/user/mediaflux-explorer but not in /home/user/bin/mediaflux-explorer).

UniMelb Command-Line Clients

These are a collection of command line interface clients for Mediaflux developed at the University of Melbourne. They are mainly focused on uploading and downloading data to and from a Mediaflux server as well as verifying that an upload or download completed successfully.  These clients are supported and developed by Research Computing Services. They utilise Mediaflux HTTPS protocol and standard Arcitecta/Mediaflux Jar files.

See the Mediaflux Unimelb Command-Line Clients page for information about how to download and use the clients.

Python Client (unofficial)

This client module is developed by Research Computing Services.  It is currently unofficial and supported on a best-effort basis.

aterm (command-line Java client)

Mediaflux Terminal (aterm) is a command-line Java application. It can be run in GUI mode into which you type service commands.  In GUI mode it supports features such as command history and tab completion.  It can also be run in a no-GUI mode, most useful for scripting.  See the Mediaflux Terminal (aterm) page for more information.

  • You must have at least Oracle Java 8 installed (see your local IT support if needed).  OpenJDK is also supported.
  • The aterm jar file can be downloaded from any Mediaflux server. The aterm client is matched to the server, but is always backwards compatible (newer aterms will work with older servers).
  • Download from the primary UniMelb server here: https://mediaflux.researchsoftware.unimelb.edu.au/mflux/aterm.jar

AAR (Java client for unpacking Arcitecta AAR containers)

AAR stands for Arcitecta ARchive.  This utility allows you to extract those archives.


java -jar /path/to/aar.jar -extract /path/to/mydata.aar