Executing the WorkFlow for an Instrument

Executing the WorkFlow for an Instrument

Having prepared the WorkFLow environment by 1) provisioning resources in Mediaflux and 2) configured  the Instrument acquisition computer, it is now possible to upload data to Mediaflux with the Data Mover tool.   This can be done by either the platform staff (acquiring data on behalf of users) or by a trusted and trained power user.

The steps are straightforward:

  1. Run the Data Mover tool and the primary GUI is evidenced (Figure 1)
  2. Click 'Add New' and a secondary GUI pops up (Figure 2)
  3. Supply the end-user email address in the GUI (Figure 3). This is the person for whom the data are being acquired.
    1. If the email address supplies is not valid, the bounced email will return to the designated instrument operator email address (supplied during configuration)
  4. Select the data to upload (Figure 3)
  5. Click upload and the upload proceeds (Figure 4)
  6. The primary GUI now shows the task as it progresses (Figure 4). When its finished the task moves to Completed and notifications will be sent to the nominated platform staff (in the Instrument configuration step).
  7. Select Completed to see all completed tasks (Figure 5).

The following screen shots show these streps.

Figure 1 - The Data Mover primary GUI after starting it ready for you to click 'Add New'

Figure 2 - The secondary Data Mover GUI after clicking 'Add New'

Figure 3 - The secondary Data Mover GUI after populating the required fields ready for you to click 'Upload'

Figure 4 - The main Data Mover GUI after you clicked 'Upload' and the upload is underway.

Figure 5 - The main Data Mover GUI after the upload has completed and the Completed tasks has been selected (by clicking on it).