DaRIS Command Line Clients
daris-clients is a set of command line utilities to manage data in DaRIS.
daris-clients can be downloaded from:
There are packages for Windows, Mac OS and Linux. You can download the one matches your operating system and extract it into your local file system.
Add to PATH environment variable
Optionally, you can add the binary directory: daris-clients/bin
to your PATH
environment variable so that you can execute the commands anywhere.
DaRIS server connection details need to be specified in a config file. The default location of the config file is: ~/.Arcitecta/mflux.cfg on Mac OS or Linux; or %userprofile%\.Arcitecta\mflux.cfg on Windows.
Create config file on Windows
Open Command Prompt
and type the commands below:
mkdir %userprofile%\.Arcitecta notepad %userprofile%\.Arcitecta\mflux.cfg
In Notepad, enter the DaRIS connection details:
host=daris.researchsoftware.unimelb.edu.au transport=https port=443 domain=YOUR_DOMAIN user=YOUR_USERNAME
Create config file on Linux/MacOS
Open Terminal and type the command below:
mkdir -p ~/.Arcitecta
Alternatively, you can create and edit the file using a text editor. The config file should contains the line like below:
host=daris.researchsoftware.unimelb.edu.au transport=https port=443 domain=YOUR_DOMAIN user=YOUR_USERNAME
Remember to substitute YOUR_DOMAIN and YOUR_USERNAME with your actual authentication domain and username.
Usage Examples
Download data from your DaRIS project
is a command included in daris-clients
that can be used to download data from DaRIS. The example below is to download a study
from DaRIS:
For more details about daris-download command, run
daris-download -h
Import DICOM data into your DaRIS project
daris-dicom-ingest can be used to import local DICOM files into your DaRIS project. See the example below:
daris-dicom-ingest --cid 1.1.96 ~/path/to/my-dicom-files/
where 1.1.96 is the project id.
or if we want to import the data into a specific subject, just specify the subject id instead, for example,
daris-dicom-ingest --cid ~/path/to/my-dicom-files/
For more details about daris-dicom-ingest command, run
daris-dicom-ingest -h