Citeable Identifiers for DICOM ingests

Citeable Identifiers for DICOM ingests

The DICOM server needs to know the citable ID the object that the data should be uploaded to. Generally, this means that the CID must be drawn from object drawn from the set [Project, Subject, ExMethod, Study].

Imagine a valid Subject is supplied. The DICOM server will proceed to then validate that the Method with which this Subject was created contains a Study creation step of the DICOM modality of the data (if not it will reject the data).

It may be that the Method has only one Study creation step in which case there is no ambiguity. However, if there are multiple Study making steps (consistent with the modality) the ambiguity needs to be
resolved. This is done by

  • Pre-creating the Study from the correct step and supplying the CID of the Study
  • Extending the expected CID layout to <cid>_<step>

In this way the correct Step from the Method will be used when auto-creating the Study and DataSets