New DaRIS web portal

New DaRIS web portal

1. Enhancements

The new DaRIS web portal has been developed with the following enhancements:

  • Paged navigation: The old DaRIS portal uses a tree widget without pagination, which makes it impossible to render a collections with a large number of nodes. The new portal
  • Browser upload without Java applet: The old DaRIS portal uses Java applet to upload data. However, since all browsers has dropped the support for Java applet in the recent version. It makes it very difficult to use the portal to upload data.

2. Recommended Browsers

Because the new web portal no longer uses Java applet for file uploads, it works with the latest Chrome and Firefox browser.

3. new DaRIS Web Portal URL

The web portal URL is of the form:

  • If mediaflux serves on standard HTTPS port 443:
    • https://your-mediaflux.org/daris-web/
  • If mediaflux serves on non-standard HTTPS port 8443:
    • https://your-mediaflux.org:8443/daris-web/

4. DaRIS Login

When you access the portal, you will be presented with the login screen:

5. Security

There are a number of security layers to protect the system. Your DaRIS/Mediaflux administrator will have set up our system and considered the use of server firewall, Mediaflux IP restrictions, Mediaflux intrusion detection, whitelists and black lists.

If you cannot log into DaRIS web portal, it may be caused by the security settings on the Mediaflux server. You need to contact your DaRIS/Mediaflux administrator to find out.

6. Data Viewers

DaRIS web portal can view DICOM, NIFTI and other browser supported image formats (PNG, JPEG, TIFF, BMP, GIF).