Servlet: /daris/shoppingcart.mfjp
- Path: /daris/shoppingcart.mfjp
The servlet can
- be called by /daris/object.mfjp servlet to perform recursive downloads;
- be used to get/display the status of an existing shopping cart;
- be used to abort a shopping cart being processed;
- be used to download the content of an existing shopping cart if its status is “data ready”;
- be used to delete an existing shopping cart;
1. Generic Arguments
- Argument _skey: The session key if known. If this argument and the _token argument are not given or invalid. It will redirect to the login page(/daris/main.mfjp?module=logon)
- Argument _token: The secure identity token if known. If this argument and the _skey argument are not given or invalid. It will redirect to the login page(/daris/main.mfjp?module=logon)
- Argument module: It is the action to execute. There are there moudles can be chosen from: “describe”, “order”, “abort”, “download”, “destroy”, and “list”.
- Argument sid: It is the identifier of the shopping cart. It the module is “list” and sid is not given, the list of all the shopping carts for the user will be returned.
2. Module: describe
2.1. Arguments for “describe” module
- Argument sid: the id of the shopping cart.
- Argument format: specifies the output format. Can be xml or html. Defaults to html.
2.2. Examples
Get the shopping cart meta data in xml format:
Get the object meta data in html format(or display it in browser):
3. Module: order
3.1. Arguments for “order” module
- Argument sid: the id of the shopping cart.
3.2. Examples
Submit shopping cart 16 for processing:
4. Module: abort
- NOTE: the specified shopping cart must be in “processing” status.
4.1. Arguments for “abort” module
- Argument sid: the id of the shopping cart to abort.
4.2. Examples
Abort shopping cart 16:
5. Module: download
- NOTE: the specified shopping cart must be in “data ready” status.
5.1. Arguments for “download” module
- Argument sid: the id of the shopping cart to abort.
- Argument filename: The name for the downloaded file. If not given, defaults to the shopping cart id.
- Argument disposition: How the content/archive should be treated by the caller. Can be attachment or inline. Defaults to attachment.
5.2. Examples
Download shopping cart 15:
6. Module: destroy
6.1. Arguments for “destory” module
- Argument sid: the id of the shopping cart to abort.
6.2. Examples
Delete shopping cart 11:
7. Module: list
7.1. Arguments for “list” module
- None
7.2. Examples
List all the shopping carts for the current user:
- see other servlets