Exploring Data in DaRIS Web Portal

Exploring Data in DaRIS Web Portal

In the left panel, the navigator will show you a tree view (reflecting the data model) of the repository. The top-level object that it shows you is the repository itself.

Click on the plus sign to expand the view and see your Projects (and so on down the tree). The navigator shows you the citable ID of each object plus its name if it has one.

Click on a specific object (e.g. a Project or Subject) to see a view of it in the right panel. The right panel presents the information in TABs which organise it.

There is a TAB Interface which presents basic meta-data that DaRIS requires. The other TABs show meta-data that has been defined and located on your objects. The TABs that present themselves depend on the type of object you are viewing and what you are authorised to see.


The view presents TABs Interface, Attachments (documents that have been uploaded and associated with the Project), Metadata, Members, and_ Role Members_. CLick on the TAB you wish to view.

The Metadata TAB shows (and organised by XML fragments called document types) meta-data associated with the Project. All Projects get the same potential meta-data in a DaRIS system (but its completely configurable by the DaRIS administrator).

The Members TAB shows the team members and their roles. The Role Members TAB shows roles that can be team members; if such a role is defined and granted to users (by the DaRIS admin), then if this role is made a Project team member, then all users who hold that role are automatically a team-member of that Project.


The view presents TABs Interface, Attachments, Public Metadata and Private Metadata (if you are authorised to see this; you must be at least a Subject Administrator of the Project). Again the Metadata TABs are organised by XML fragments.


The view presents TABs Interface, Attachments and Experimental Method. The Interface TAB shows the Method as a series of XML fragments which is a bit hard to digest.

A nicer display is the Experimental Method TAB which shows a directed graph of your Method as a collection of Steps.

Here is an example of a quite complex Method, which tracks many subject state change steps (e.g. anaesthetising a mouse) as well as data producing steps (the ones with the ruler icon) and branch points.

Further, you can double click on a Step in the graph and a secondary panel will pop-up which describes that Step (e.g. meta-data that is associated with it), and shows any Study objects that were created for it.


The view presents TABs Interface, Attachments and Metadata.

For DICOM Studies, the Metadata TAB will show some indexed DICOM meta-data (in fragment mf-dicom-study) extracted from the actual DICOM files upload to the child DataSets.


The view presents TABs Interface, Attachments, Metadata and optionally DICOM (for DataSets holding DICOM data).

For DICOM data, the Metadata TAB will show some indexed DICOM meta-data (in fragment mf-dicom-series) extracted from the actual DICOM file. The DICOM TAB will show you a simple view of the image as well as the underlying DICOM file header (all the meta-data).